Glycemic Index of Quaker Oats And Some Other Foods | All Ur Benefit

Written by tanaypatel5212

June 1, 2021

 Glycemic Index of Quaker Oats

Today we will share information about glycemic index of quacker oats in detail.

Nowadays diabetes is quite a common condition and so many people are in the prediabetic stage in India. So maintaining blood sugar levels is too much important for people with high diabetes. The Glycemic index of any food can help people with diabetes. Especially type 1 diabetes.

Also, some nutrition deficiencies like vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair loss and other problems.





What is Glycemic Index?

Glycemic index is in simple language measurement of how quickly food absorbs in the blood circulation.

We are a carbohydrate-eating community, And it is important to understand how these food are linked to our body response.

Glycemic index is nothing but the pressure of ranking foods between 1 to 100 depending upon how they affect our blood glucose level.

How do foods get ranked in Glycemic Index?

Foods are typically ranked in three categories,


  • High GI Foods
  • Medium GI Foods
  • Low GI Foods

Depending upon how they utilize, absorbed, and release glucose in our body. Based on release our body secretes insulin which is necessary to carry the glucose in the cells which actually provides us necessary energy.



Therefore we always include a source that releases glucose slowly into the bloodstream, so that our body does not demand too much insulin secretion at once.

When there are frequent spikes in insulin secretion due to 


  • Irregular eating habits
  • Heavy meals at once, or
  • Highly loaded sugary foods

Can lead to a condition like diabetes or other conditions.

Glycemic Index Chart

As we know that rood ranking is given in between 1-100, according to it

Low GI Foods

Low GI foods are defined as food that has a ranking below 55.

Most vegetable food comes under this category. Low GI foods release glucose slowly and regulate insulin secretion and in fact, decrease the risk of diabetes or any other lifestyle disorders.

Medium GI Foods

Medium GI Foods are defined as food that has a ranking between 55-69.

There are some vegetables also which come under this category.

High GI Foods

High GI foods are defined as food that has ranked above 70.

Foods with a High Glycemic index should be avoided as much as possible. High GI foods release glucose fast and cause an increased rate of insulin secretion in the bloodstream.

However, for a balanced diet and bodywork, we have to also include high GI foods at the right time with the right combination.

We can not ignore high GI Food at all. We should balance the intake by a combination of healthy foods after consuming high GI foods.

Glycemic Index Of Quaker Oats.

Food Name Oat Bran (Quaker Oats Co., Peterborough, ON, Canada)

GI (vs Glucose) 60

Standard Serve Size (g) 10

Carbohydrate per Serve (g)


Glycemic Index Of Some Other Food 

This Glycemic Index of foods is based on according to one harverd article.

FOOD Glycemic index (glucose = 100)


White wheat bread* 75 ± 2

Whole wheat/whole meal bread 74 ± 2

Specialty grain bread 53 ± 2

Unleavened wheat bread 70 ± 5

Wheat roti 62 ± 3

Chapatti 52 ± 4

Corn tortilla 46 ± 4

White rice, boiled* 73 ± 4

Brown rice, boiled 68 ± 4

Barley 28 ± 2

Sweet corn 52 ± 5

Spaghetti, white 49 ± 2

Spaghetti, whole meal 48 ± 5

Rice noodles 53 ± 7

Udon noodles 55 ± 7

Couscous† 65 ± 4



Cornflakes 81 ± 6

Wheat flake biscuits 69 ± 2

Porridge, rolled oats 55 ± 2

Instant oat porridge 79 ± 3

Rice porridge/congee 78 ± 9

Millet porridge 67 ± 5

Muesli 57 ± 2



Apple, raw† 36 ± 2

Orange, raw† 43 ± 3

Banana, raw† 51 ± 3

Pineapple, raw 59 ± 8

Mango, raw† 51 ± 5

Watermelon, raw 76 ± 4

Dates, raw 42 ± 4

Peaches, canned† 43 ± 5

Strawberry jam/jelly 49 ± 3

Apple juice 41 ± 2

Orange juice 50 ± 2



Potato boiled 78 ± 4

Potato, instant mash 87 ± 3

Potato, french fries 63 ± 5

Carrots boiled 39 ± 4

Sweet potato, boiled 63 ± 6

Pumpkin boiled 64 ± 7

Plantain/green banana 55 ± 6

Taro boiled 53 ± 2

Vegetable soup 48 ± 5



Milk, full fat 39 ± 3

Milk, skim 37 ± 4

Ice cream 51 ± 3

Yogurt, fruit 41 ± 2

Soy milk 34 ± 4

Rice milk 86 ± 7



Chickpeas 28 ± 9

Kidney beans 24 ± 4

Lentils 32 ± 5

Soya beans 16 ± 1



Chocolate 40 ± 3

Popcorn 65 ± 5

Potato crisps 56 ± 3

Soft drink/soda 59 ± 3

Rice crackers/crisps 87 ± 2



Fructose 15 ± 4

Sucrose 65 ± 4

Glucose 103 ± 3

Honey 61 ± 3


Data are means ± SEM.

* Low-GI varieties were also identified.

† Average of all available data.


We hope this article will help you to get information about the glycemic index and related things about it. If you have any doubt regarding this topic you can ask your question in the comments section, our team will try to solve your doubts.

Stay tuned with us for more informative content and health-related article.


The Purpose Of Our Life Is To Be Happy

-Dalai Lama

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