Glycemic Index Of Rice Other Information Related To Rice

Written by tanaypatel5212

September 26, 2021

 Glycemic Index Of Rice.

In this article, we give information about the glycemic index of rice and facts related to it. If you are Indian or belongs to and country you have tasted multiple dishes of rice, Rice is multifaceted grain in the whole world and it is used to make so many different kinds of dishes.

Rice can be used to prepare sweet dishes, spicy dishes also it can be eaten with both veg as well as non-veg dishes like fish, chicken biryani, etc. Today we are going to discuss the glycemic index of rice and some other information about it.

What is a glycemic index?

We have already discussed the glycemic index in our previous article but in short glycemic index is defined as ” A figure representing the relative ability of a carbohydrate food to increase the level of glucose in the blood”.

In simple language Glycemic index is the measurement of how quickly food absorbs in the blood circulation.

According to it foods are divided into 

  • High Glycemic Index Food.
  • Medium Glycemic Index Food.
  • Low Glycemic Index Food.

What Is The Glycemic Index Of Rice?

According to studies glycemic index of rice per 100 gm is 73, this leads us to evaluate that rice is conducted as high glycemic index food. 

So if you are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or if you have any condition like obesity and physician advised you to change lifestyle to weight loss, then you should have to less consumption of rice.

People with diabetes should not have to eat a large amount of rice at a time.

What makes rice high glycemic food?

Rice is having plenty amount of starch and carbohydrate, which makes rice high glycemic index food in nature.

What is glycemic load?

Glycemic load means how rapidly a specific carbohydrate food raises blood sugar and factors in the actual amount of the particular carbohydrate being.

In simple language Glycemic load refers to ” How rapidly each gram of carbohydrate raises blood sugar level”.

The formula of Glycemic Load:

Glycemic Load Of Food = (Glycemic Index Of Food    X   amount (g) of available Carbohydrate Food per serving)/100

So if we calculate the glycemic load of 25 grams of rice it would be: 73 X 25 / 100 = 18.25

This is just for example actual glycemic load can be different according to the amount of rice you eat.

Rice And Diabetes

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes then you should have to eat less quantity of rice at a time. But if you have a blood sugar of more than 200 gm/dL or remain high blood sugar level, you have to avoid high glycemic foods.

Studies found that eating more amount of rice can be a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes, so if your family members have a history of diabetes then you have to limit the consumption of rice as a precautionary measurement.

What types of rice are eatable?

  • Brown rice
  • Wild rice
  • Basmati rice

There are various types of rice throughout the world, rice having different glycemic indexes and glycemic loads. But we should avoid eating more amount of rice with having a high glycemic index.

Thus the selection of rice according to glycemic index and nutrition facts is more important and can be useful to treat lifestyle disease and weight loss also.

The above-given list of rice having medium glycemic indexes of rice ranges between 55 – 69 and also having good nutrition, so these types of rice are ok to it.

What are the alternate grains of rice?

Here we have listed some grains that can be used as an alternative to rice. These grains have low glycemic indexes and are eatable.

  • Bulger
  • Quinoa
  • Barley
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat

These are some grains that can be eaten on behalf of rice.


Ending this article with a final note, we have discussed some information related to rice. Also if you want to know about paneer nutrition facts you can check our old posts also.

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-Dalai Lama

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