Yoga and pranayama mental health benefits

Written by tanaypatel5212

May 14, 2021

 Yoga mental health benefits | yoga for mental health

So many people face mental health issues nowadays, yoga is one of the most useful ways to tackle poor mental health. Yoga’s mental health benefits are so good that it also improves your way to do physical activities also, in this article we will discuss yoga for mental health benefits.


List of topics discussed in this article

  • What is yoga?
  • What is mental health?
  • Benefits of yoga in mental health
  • Does yoga help in mental illness
  • What type of yoga is good for mental health and many more

What is yoga?

Definition of yoga:- Yoga is ancient Hindu spiritual practice of ascetic discipline including breath control, adoption of specific body poses or posture with simple meditation for a healthy and relaxed body.

Yoga is widely practiced in India as well as also in western countries nowadays, it helps to reduce stress and also improve your inner mind wellness and your physical health.

International yoga day

21 June is celebrated as international yoga day in the whole world.

What is mental health?

Definition of mental health:- mental health is about our cognitive and emotional well-being. It’s best to think about our mental health as existing on a continuum rather than people being either mentally ill or mentally well.

We all each and every human being have physical health as well as mental health. There are so many articles available on physical health but fewer articles are there for mental health. Nowadays there is awareness about mental health because people are facing so many mental health issues.

So day by day mental health articles are also getting improved and people getting awareness about depression and other issues also related to mental health.

Does yoga help in mental illness?

Some so many people won’t believe in yoga and pranayama they think that yoga is time pass and it makes them bore. But it is not true at all, this only happens when you do not have an interest in yoga.

If you do yoga with all dedication and proper technique it will surely help you to improve mental illness.

Why are yoga and pranayama good for mental health?

Different yoga poses and pranayama promotes healthy things in the body including activating positive mental thought process, also it promotes progressive muscle relaxation which is good for the human body also.

Video courtesy:- India Yoga (YouTube)

It also promotes healthy skin, lungs, heart, and healthy digestion, healthy body results in a healthy mind and a healthy mind leads to good mental health ultimately leads to a good result for a person.

What type of yoga and pranayama is best for mental health

Almost each and every yoga postures and pranayama can be used for mental health, but some yoga postures are used for a particular body part.

But for good mental health yoga which includes practicing breathing like Anulom vilom, Kapal Bhati, Savasana, and many more in which mental calmness increases are best for mental health

Benefits of yoga and pranayama on mental health

Yoga is so much beneficial for both mental health and physical health including balancing the mind and relaxing the body also.

  • Yoga helps to reduce anxiety and depression
  • Increases mental calmness
  • Feeling of freshness
  • Relax state of mind
  • Increase concentration
  • Improves immunity
  • Help to overcome negative thoughts
  • Also, help to increase physical health by promoting good posture and relax the mind

Yoga and pranayama on mental health

We will discuss some of the good mental health benefits of yoga and pranayama on mental health here to some deep extent.

Yoga and pranayama benefits mental health by emotional control

We know that so many mental health issues sometimes start with physical affection like any physical condition which affects mental health like any chronic maladies as for example chronic constipation, liver affection, heart affection, and many more.

This chronic physical malady causes pain and sore feeling around the affected area, which leads to negative thinking or overthinking about a particular chronic condition. As time passes but the condition does not improve this condition causes mental health issues and depressed feelfeelingsAlso, emotional stress may be due to any type of mental trauma like conflict between loved ones and person, loss of loved ones, mental trauma due to financial crises, etc.

There are some other causes also due to which person suffers from emotional and mental stress. So yoga and pranayama can help in this both condition and improve mental health.

Different yoga posture help to reduce pain and soreness of the body also pranayama improves the spinal strength, this causes relaxation of the mind by reducing physical pain affection.

Also remaining in longer time in the same pose and controlling breathing engages the mind and remove other negative thoughts from the mind, this soothes the emotional and mental stress leads to mental calmness and improves the mental health

By this yoga and pranayama provide mental health benefits.

Benefits of yoga and pranayama on physical health

  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Helps to fight against respiratory disease
  • Strengthen body posture
  • Increase the ability to the physical task
  • Also, help to fight against heart disease

Yoga and pranayama effects on mind and brain

Yoga includes the practice of controlling your breath and balancing your state of mind, this leads to the relaxation of the mind and removes the stressors which affect the mind and brain. It helps to reduce emotional stress and anxiety as well as depression also.

There are some other ways also to overcome the negative thoughts and depression but yoga can lead you to superb results to fight poor mental health.

In yoga or pranayama, all your body and mind focus on inhaling and exhaling most time which helps you to increase concentration in daily work also, It also helps to reduce high blood pressure by mental and physical calmness. By this yoga and pranayama provide mental health benefits.

Yoga and pranayama effects on Heart

By doing yoga and pranayama normal blood flow increases and blood flow becomes better day by day this leads to a healthy heart condition and also improves the pumping ability of the heart results in good health of the heart. By this yoga and pranayama provide mental health benefits.

Yoga and pranayama effects on lungs

As we know in yoga we inhale passively and exhale actively this results in the open of narrowed air pathway and improves the ability of the lungs in the breathing process.

Also, we take a large number of air leads to more oxygen during the process of exhaling which causes the increased oxygen in the blood, this results in the nourishment of cells of our body leads an ultimately healthy body. By this yoga and pranayama provide mental health benefits.

How to care for mental health during covid

Today whole world is suffering from the pandemic we all know about that, so many people losses their job during the period of lockdown and also with very sadly people losses their precious life.

So many families lose their loved ones this all types of crisis and things causes bad influences on mental health, also people who suffer from covid get affection on their mental health. That is why care for mental health during covid is too much important.

Yoga and pranayama can also help to deal with poor mental health in covid, as we all know that most of our outside activities are stopped including gym, calisthenics, outdoor games and many more. We can practice yoga and pranayama for good mental health during covid also at home.


Now it’s time to conclude this article about yoga and pranayama mental health benefits, we hope that it will help you to gain some sort of knowledge about mental health and yoga benefits on mental health.

If you have any doubt according to yoga and mental health then you can let us know in the comment section below, our team will try to solve your problems and queries according to it. Stay tuned with us for more informative content and much more.

The Purpose Of Our Life Is To Be Happy

-Dalai Lama

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