Weight Gain During Pregnancy, Diet Tips, Chart

Written by tanaypatel5212

April 25, 2021

Are you primigravida and have low weight then you should read this article till the end. Today we will discuss weight gain during pregnancy. This article will help you a lot with weight gain during pregnancy.

In today’s busy life we can not give time to ourselves and suffers from various troubles as well. But pregnancy is the most important period of every women’s life.

Healthy habits during pregnancy are good for the better health of the mother and her child also. And the weight of the mother during pregnancy also plays a major role and can affect the health of the fetus also. 

Underweight mothers during pregnancy can also create trouble at the time of delivery pregnancy and an Overweight mother during pregnancy can also create trouble during the period of pregnancy.

There are so many women in the world who want to gain weight during pregnancy and also there are so many women in the world who want to lose their weight during pregnancy for a healthy baby at the time of birth.

But in today’s busy life we all are unable to focus on our health plan and diet also. I want to gain weight during pregnancy or want to lose weight then there are certain criteria according to children inside the womb.

Weight Chart For Women Having One Baby Inside Womb.

If you are underweight before pregnancy having a BMI of <18.5 then you have to gain weight between 28-40 Pounds.

If you are having normal weight before pregnancy having BMI 18.5-24.9 then you have to gain weight between 25-35 Pounds.

If you are overweight before pregnancy having BMI >25-29 then you have to gain weight between 15-25 Pounds.

If you are obese before pregnancy having BMI >29 then you have to gain weight between 11-20 Pounds.

Weight Chart For Women Having Twins Inside Womb

If you are underweight before pregnancy having a BMI of <18.5 then you have to gain weight between 50-62 Pounds.

If you are having normal weight before pregnancy having BMI 18.5-24.9 then you have to gain weight between 25-35 Pounds.

If you are overweight before pregnancy having BMI >25-29 then you have to gain weight between 30-50 Pounds.

If you are obese before pregnancy having BMI >29 then you have to gain weight between 25-42 Pounds.

How Much You Have To Do Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

You should have to gain weight according to the trimester of the period of the pregnancy. This can make a good benefit to your baby health and it also has good effects on the development of your baby.

First trimester:-

 The first trimester is about to 1st week to 12 weeks of pregnancy. In which you should have to gain weight around approx 2 to 4 pounds. 

We all know about morning sickness during pregnancy it is very common, And if you are suffering from morning sickness for a long time or it affects you more then you may not have to gain weight.

It is not necessary that you must have to gain weight during the first trimester.

You can cover up this during the remaining two trimesters by maintaining a good and healthy diet during pregnancy and by doing exercise during pregnancy.

Second trimester:-

During the second trimester baby inside the womb start to grow very nicely. And also growth rate increase in comparison to the first trimester. So mother gains total weight with the growing fetus is around 12 to 14 pounds during the second trimester.

Third trimester:-

During the third trimester, there are chances that the mother can lose some pounds of weight. It is due to a fully developed fetus inside the womb. This developed fetus needs nutrients for growth which is fulfilled by the nutrients that the mother takes as food during pregnancy.

So sometimes if you lose weight during pregnancy it is no worry it is just because the nutrients requirement of the fetus is increased after the quarter of eight-month.

But total net weight gain is about 8-10 pounds during the third trimester. But there is also a chance that the mother does not increase the weight or remain the same or also lose some amount of weight.

Weight distribution during pregnancy

There is a lot of question-related about weight gain during pregnancy. Like where does all increased weight goes? So many people think that all weight that increases during pregnancy all goes into the belly but it is not true at all.

There is the distribution of weight occurs during the pregnancy which is as follows.

  • Baby: 7.5 pounds
  • Placenta: 1.5 pounds
  • Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
  • Uterine enlargement: 2 pounds
  • Maternal breast tissue: 2 pounds
  • Maternal blood volume: 4 pounds
  • Fluids in maternal tissue: 4 pounds
  • Maternal fat stores: 7 pounds

This weight distribution is not exerted it may vary from one person to another according to the mother’s body and the development of the baby’s structure. The weight distribution above is just approximate noticed indifferent mothers.

How you should maintain weight gain during the period of pregnancy.

Mothers should have to do a healthy diet during pregnancy. You have some information about what to eat during pregnancy and what to avoid during pregnancy. 

You have to do exercise and yoga along with a good and healthy diet. Also, you have to fulfill the daily requirement of your daily needs of nutrients otherwise there are chances that you may develop a deficiency of vitamin B12, iron deficiency, etc.

You have to maintain weight according to trimester because in all three trimesters daily requirements of nutrients are different. This requirement must have fulfilled on daily basis.

  • First trimester: You don’t need any extra calories at all, unless if you have started your pregnancy underweight.
  • Second trimester: You should have to add about an additional 300 to 350 calories per day into your pre-pregnancy diet.
  • Third trimester: You should need about 500 calories extra per day compared to your normal diet before you conceived.

How to avoid extra weight gain during pregnancy. 

Mother should have to gain weight during pregnancy for a healthy baby but if weight gain more than needed then it may also lead to problem and causes trouble during the delivery. 

You should have to avoid excessive weight gain during weight gain. You can do this in two ways exercise and by maintaining the diet.

But you can not do more exercise which contains compact body movement and also excessive exercise is also bad for mother. During pregnancy, the mother suffers from shortness of breath as the diaphragm is compressed by the growing fetus.

So excessive exercise can be bad, So the mother has to maintain a proper diet. She should have to eat nutritiously instead of more food. 

Foods to avoid during pregnancy.

  • Uncooked or partially cooked meat,
  • Raw eggs,
  • Alcohol,
  • Smoking,
  • Excessive fat-containing food like dairy products which contain more fat,
  • Food that contains caffeine,
  • Fried and junk food, etc.

Food to eat during pregnancy.

  • Green leafy vegetables,
  • Food that contains a high amount of fiber and protein,
  • Fortified milk,
  • Egg yolk,
  • Fish oil made up of Salmon, Tuna,
  • Lean and red meat,
  • Beans, 
  • Sweet potatoes,
  • Banana, etc.

Exercise to do in pregnancy for weight gain.

we’re gonna show you some of the exercises you can do in your first second and third trimesters. We’re gonna do a ten-minute circuit. 

All you’re gonna need is some water, three to five-pound hand weight sand & a good attitude. So we have ten minutes on the clock.

  • First Simple walk,
  • Squats, 
  • Push-ups,
  • Wall plank, etc.

Also, there is some yoga which you can do for gaining weight.

  • Note:- If you have some medical history in past or you have a present medical history like asthma, High blood pressure, re or any kind of medical history, Then you first have to discuss your workout plan with your consultant doctor.

You first have to consider your doctor before taking any step during pregnancy or if you get some problem like spotting, shortness of breath, sudden abdominal pain then you must have to go to your consultant doctor immediately.

Yoga helps to gain weight during pregnancy

Vakrasana : 

This yoga helps to increase the strength of your pelvic floor muscles which play a major role during the delivery.

Paryankasana :

This yoga helps to increase the strength of the pelvic floor and helps to get rid of back pain due to the growing fetus inside the womb.

This yoga also increases the strength of the abdominal muscles and muscles of the thigh area.

Konasana :

This is one of the great yoga poses for pregnant women, It helps to relax the pelvic floor during pregnancy which ultimately helps during at the time of delivery during giving birth.

It stretches the pelvic floor and helps to get relief from pain on the coccyx also known as pelvic bone.

This yoga and exercise will help you a lot to maintain your weight during pregnancy. Also, there are so many good effects of yoga and exercise on the health of the mother and fetus.


We hope that this article will help you to clear most of your doubts, But if you have some doubt regarding weight gain during pregnancy or any other doubt you can let us know in the comment section.

We are here to provide maximum knowledge to you so you can do better and better in your daily life. You can also check out our other posts if you want to know more about health-related stuff by- Click Here

So we will discuss more health-related stuff in our next article, Stay tuned with us for getting interesting knowledge about health.

The Purpose Of Our Life Is To Be Happy

-Dalai Lama

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