Does Whey Protein Really Cause Hair Loss?

Written by tanaypatel5212

October 31, 2021

So many people have questions in their minds that does whey protein really causes hair loss. Today we will give brief information about whey protein and the connection between hair loss.

Does Whey Protein Really Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss is one of the major conditions through which people are suffering nowadays. There are so many conditions that cause hair loss and increased pollution also make your hair worse.

What are the causes for hair loss?

The research shows that 75 % or more men and 45 % of women are suffering from this problem. Following conditions may cause hair loss

  • Alopacea
  • Stress
  • Underlying Medical Conditions
  • Certain Medication
  • Pollution
  • Acute Or Chronic Scalp Problems
  • Unhygenic Scalp
  • Dandruff
  • Skin Problems
  • Recurrent Scalp Infections
  • Vitamin Deficiency

These are some most common conditions that cause hair loss. Also, there are multiple factors that may increase the chances of hair loss.

The loss of hair may occur to anyone, regardless of skin color or age. Some products can help reduce or control the hair thinning process.

Hair loss effect on daily life

Some people do not get affected by hair loss, but some people who are more likely to think about their looks may get affected by excessive hair loss.

  • Hair Loss may decrease the self-confidence
  • Affect on the appearence or look
  • Sometimes problems in personal relationships

Hair loss may affect the mental condition of the person also. So many people do hair transplants which are costly and also have some risk factors during the surgery.

Homeopathic medicine for hair loss can be a great option for people who have started hair falling in recent times.

What is whey protein?

Protein shakes made with whey protein isolate are a staple of diets often recommended for those who wish to build muscle mass.

Whey protein powder can even help to lose weight if used as a way to control appetite. Some scientific evidence suggests that some whey protein can increase hair loss, but has not been fully proved until now.

This article will focus on the protein link between hair growth and baldness. I am sure people whose body has accumulated large amounts of whey will not produce enough of it over.

The following is a look at some of the possibilities available to those interested in hair loss and how to use these supplements.

The connection of whey protein with hair growth

Whey protein can be beneficial or can be nonbeneficial at the same time for hair in fitness freaks.

Some studies found that taking why protein isolate leads to improvement in their hair’s appearance after taking a daily or twice-daily dose of an enhanced whey protein concentrate (WPC) for at least 4 weeks

Among them, some of the subjects reported healthier, stronger, fuller-looking hair in that same time frame.

In the opposite of the upper sentence, some studies found that Whey Protein contains a high amount of concentrated amino acids, which leads to an increase in the production of testosterone, which breaks down into dihydroxy testosterone (DHT), a hormone that has been scientifically proven to cause hair loss.”

So there is no such proven evidence that whey protein causes hair loss or it improves hair growth.

Side Effects Of Whey Protein

Some people are allergic to certain pollens or external substances. If a person has an allergy to the content of whey protein it may cause side effects.

Also, people having allergies to milk can also cause side effects after taking more amount or moderate amounts of whey.

  • Cramps
  • Stomach upset or Stomach pain
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Head ache

These are some most common side effects. Allergic reactions may vary from person to person according to the body response and dosage.

Also taking a high amount of whey results in acne formation on the face and back, sometimes on the chest also.


Summoning up the article with the last FAQ, we hope this will help you to find out your queries and solve your doubts regarding the whey protein and hair loss connection.

You can refer to this article for more information.

Does Whey Protein Has Impact On Hair Growth?

In most cases, no
But if your diet is lacking protein and you have whey protein it may somehow increase your hair growth.

Do whey protein and creatine causes hair fall?

Creatine does not cause hair fall, But taking creatinine may accelerate hair loss.

Is DHT the cause of hair loss?

DHT is the main reason for Androgenetic alopecia. People suffering from it have specialized receptors to attract DHT in hair follicles. The presence or absence of these receptors determines whether you will suffer from baldness or not.

I am suffering from hair fall so should I take whey protein?

You can have whey protein it is a good source of protein supplement. Hair fall can occur due to various reasons like hormonal imbalance, pollution, the shampoo you use, Improper nutritional consumption.

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