Supradyn is a multivitamin tablet, consisting of the following supplements. 

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-Vitamin A -Vitamin-B Complex -Vitamin-C,D,E -Calcium -Magnesium -Iron -Copper -Zinc

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These are some of the essential vitamins that provide better nutrition and healthy growth. 

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You can easily purchase it from your nearest medical or pharmaceutical store within 100 Rupees of cost.

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The Supradyn can help to prevent hair loss or reduce the problem of hair loss by providing healthy nutrition. 

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When To Not Use Supradyn Tablet?

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You should not have to use this during pregnancy

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Breastfeeding mother should have to avoid this tablet  

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If you have any allergy from any of the content of supradyn

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Use of this medicine helps compensate for the deficiency, thereby preventing and treating the skin  & hair condition 

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Most people do not develop side effects but sometimes it can cause headache, nausea, etc. 

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Improves immunity Increase bone strength Increase the rate of recovery Improves conditions like anemia

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You have to take supradyn tablet orally and the dosage should be as per the advice of the physician. 

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