Top 9 Acidity Home Remedies

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Banana:- Eating Ripe Banana can helps to get relieved from acidity

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Butter Milk:- One glass of butter milk after eating food relieves symptom

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Sucking one clove for 5 minutes will reduce the acidity & heartburn

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Drink 1 glass of lukewarm before going to bed daily to rid of complain

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Boil 1 Teaspoon of black cumin seed into 1 glass and drink daily

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Water melon juice:- to reduce acidity and increase digestion

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Jaggery :- To maintain pH balance and reduce symptoms of acidity

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1 teaspoon of Saunf Powder + 1 Glass of warm water can reduce acidity

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Ginger:- Eating small piece of raw ginger reduces the acidity

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